Can someone out there please tell me if switching on content type configuration should be possible in ARIS 10.0.17 where we are on premise, not cloud based? The switch is greyed out and an error message provided: The content configuration service is not available. Please contact your server administrator.

I can configure a content type set in Conventions, but can only make it active for modelling in the repository, not in the portal.

ARIS help says that there are two prerequisites:

  • A content type set is active
  • You have the Configuration administrator function privilege.

Both prerequisites are satisfied.

Even though satellite modelling was released in SR14, it was not available to us when we upgraded because we are on premise. We had to upgrade to SR15 or higher to get it.

I'm wondering if this is something similar, and that this functionality will not be available on premise until a future service release. Can anyone confirm this?

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by Frank Weyand
Posted on Fri, 03/18/2022 - 10:46


can you go to the "Convetions" tab and try to activate the content configuration there?




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