Are you as curious as I am and you can't wait to read the latest news every day? Then you will love this great new ARIS feature!

With ARIS 10 SR 14 you are now able to see the “What’s new” area in your portal. This allows you to get a quick update on the current status of an approval process. See at a glance if an approved (model) change has been published since your last login.

But how does it work?

As soon as it has been published, you’ll get a link in your “What’s new” area. (For sure notification can be filtered by your personal preferences.) You can browse the list of news items and click on the notification to jump to the comparison view and to look for further details and what has been changed.


And for sure you can directly go to the published version from there.

If the notification is checked it will be moved to the archive automatically so that you’ll have the opportunity to look at it later again.

Cool, isn’t it? Wanna see it in action? Then go to the learning portal to watch the recording of the ARIS 10.0 SR14 Enterprise Core delta training.

If you want to know more about the new features of ARIS 10 SR 14 you should read the complete blog post series ?.

Again a powerful feature that makes rollout and change management with ARIS even easier! What's next?


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