Hi all,


I would like to build a simulation in Mashzone - display mode.

My example is : I have a number of models to create in ARIS. Those models have different complexity levels. For each of those level I defined average time (hours) to design one model.

For High complexity, 4 hours; medium is 2 hours; low is 1 hour. Let's say these are default values. Those values are specified in the excel feed - attached.

The idea is to be able in display mode to change this average time criterion. I guess it should be done using "input box" component.

So far, I couldn't make this work.

Has anybody done this before ?


Many thanks and regards,

File attachments
by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Tue, 09/13/2011 - 13:11

Hi Nicolas,

I think this could be accomplished using MashZone. It highly depends on the way your data feed is organized.

User inputs in general are explained in this article which explains how to send a numeric value in form of a SQL query to a database. Instead of crafting a statement based on the user input you may select rows of a spreadsheet instead. Or you may do some calculations, e.g. do a rule of three to convert units or currencies into each other.

User inputs may provide values to all feed operators which have a connector on their right hand side.

Finally you need to find a control which enables MashApp viewers to enter a user input value and which is appropriate for your use case. For numeric values with a known range there is the slider. For a list of well known values, e.g. planets of our sun system, there is the spin control or combo box. If there is not any restriction you may use the input field which can be typed to validate and return one of MashZone's three data types.





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