Is there a recommended best practice for logging within scheduled report scripts (without direct user interaction), in order to detect problems or failures? I've looked through the out of the box scripts for ARIS Aware Dashboarding, and they seem to have none: if they fail, is there a way of picking up on it (e.g. sending an email to a specific address, or getting a task in  a Process Governance workflow)?

Sometimes, though, we want to be able to log warnings for conditions that do not prevent report execution, but may indicate some issue or transient condition (e.g. inability to update a model that is currently locked for editing); also, to log purely informational status that helps with determining what part of a complex report has failed after the fact.  At the same time, we don't want to crash the server by filling up filestores with a lot of log files!

Ideally, I'd like to see a report interface like e.g. log4js, where you have functions, myLog.warning(msg), myLog.error(msg), with the ability to configure and adjust log levels and alerts/notifications on a per-scheduled-report basis. If there is no such thing, what would be the best way of creating it, for on-premise as well as cloud hosted ARIS instances? 

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