Business Transformation Customer Forum
Unmasking the Reality of Operational Excellence
ARIS Process Mining in action - Live Demo

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Profile picture for user Tina Frey

Just one more day until conXion 2021 (Oct. 5-7) starts. It’s your chance to dream about the limitless potential of a truly connected world – and to learn about the technology that makes it possible. We promise that you will walk away with:

  • An inside scoop on our upcoming product innovations, across all of our products and platforms. We will be revealing our product roadmap like we never have before so conXion attendees can be the first to know.
  • A broadened understanding of connection and what it takes to be a truly connected enterprise. Learn from customers that are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and creating entirely new business models in the process.
  • Eye-opening insights from visionary thought leaders, including Chris Dancy (the world’s most connected man), Geoffrey Moore (author of Crossing the Chasm) and Software AG leaders including our CEO, Sanjay Brahmawar.
  • An expanded network of influential industry leaders. The event will include a “matchmaking” feature that connects you to other attendees to help advance your career and share thoughts on the potential of connection.

The good news? There’s still time to reserve your spot, if you haven't already. Register today!

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