The new product ARIS Connect – released with ARIS 9 – provides great new capabilities to bring your models close to the end-users = to the people who consume your ARIS-based content. But what does that actually mean?

Reading a model always requires some skills. And not everyone needs those skills for their everyday business. That’s why ARIS Connect provides the functionality to automatically “translate” content from an ARIS database into a View that is

  • easy to read and understand,
  • focused on the benefit of consumption,
  • always up to date.

I’ll give you an example – and believe me customers really love this:

You have a business process model designed as an Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) (see figure 1) or as BPMN model with a lot of important information for your business users. You have documented how the business process should be executed, who needs to be involved and which IT systems needs to be applied in a certain step. Of course, you have implemented the process as well and now… you want to make the people “live” this process. Execute it in the everyday-business life – based on what you have designed.

Figure 1 – The new and easy HTML5-based Design Thin Client of ARIS Connect

Now, the people that need to execute your processes are not modeling experts – they are consumers and they want to get the information fast, focused on their use-case and based on their skill set.

ARIS Connect provides the capability to meet those requirements through the new portal technology. This portal provides views – like a Factsheet view (figure 2), a Steps view (figure 3) or a Table/Matrix view (figure 4) to consume the necessary information just with one click. The view is automatically created based on the content you consume (e.g. your EPC model from figure 1).

Figure 2 – The Factsheet view provides basic information at a glance

Figure 3 – Steps view makes is super-easy to understand a process

Figure 4 – Table/Matrix view provides all necessary information in a structure way

For those who need a monitoring of business processes or IT systems as well (remember – you only improve what you can measure!), you can easily add dashboard widgets to your views and thereby have a monitoring of KPIs close to your business process or IT descriptions. The information to feed your dashboards can either come from your IT systems (e.g. your workflow system monitoring cycle times) or from your ARIS database in which you have maintained the necessary attributes for costs, times etc. Figure 5 and 6 gives you an impression on what you can do based on the embedded Dashboarding of ARIS Connect.

Figure 5 – Present single or multiple KPI feeded by different data sources (e.g. your process applications)

Figure 6 – Present a dashboard with multiple performance charts for your processes, IT systems etc.

These views can be configured and adapted to your needs. So, if you require additional content – change the views and make additional or other information available.

From what I learned, people really love this new and easy way to consume content from ARIS. You bring the content very close to your stakeholders in a fashion that is very user-driven and easy to understand!

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