Dear ARIS-community,

I'm struggling to create a heatmap on a dashboard (ARIS Connect version 10.0). Does anyone know if there is a howto or tutorial available that explains how to create a heatmap?

My X and Y axis are attributes with a fixed list of text values, like "low", "medium", "high". I've added a column with numeric value as cell value. The axis are visualised but the cells don't show.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,


by José Camacho
Posted on Fri, 05/07/2021 - 11:39

Hi Harm,

We've done something similar, so maybe I can help you.

So, in the attached file you can find he main steps we've done to achieve the final Heat Matrix.

Let me know if it helps you.


Jose Camacho 


File attachments
by Harm Verschuren Author
Posted on Fri, 05/07/2021 - 16:18

Hello Jose,

Thanks for replying. Good idea to capture screenshots in ppt. It helps to an extend, but I'm not there yet.

I managed to define the axis so that's working now. However, the cells don't show up and running out of ideas. I've created some screenshots and added questions at the places where I need further assistance. I hope you'll or any community member finds time to help. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,


File attachments
by José Camacho
Posted on Fri, 05/07/2021 - 18:56

Hi Harm,

You can find my comments related to your doubts in the attached file.

Anyway, first make sure that your data feed is working properly, I mean, your data source is really feeding the dashboard.

Then let me know about your progress.




by Harm Verschuren Author
Posted on Fri, 05/07/2021 - 22:19

In reply to by Y10349

Hello José,

Could you please share screenshots of your "Assign Data (2/2)" -screen showing the component configurations. I think that were things go wrong in my situation as all other seems to be working. I verify by generating a csv file from the menu. I'd like to know how you got the white circles with Business Outcome attribtue in the heatmap to compare with mine. In my heatmap this would be the Application attribute. However, the cells remain empty.

Thanks in advance.



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