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A minor issue with a longer description...

With the "Display selection" switched on and with "Format=yyyy-MM-dd" in the properties of a time filter I can see the selected time range. When I select Sept. 2011 I can see:

So there are even the days for September: 1- 30.

Nevertheless I didn't manage to get the days into a data feed. It seems that the day will not be delivered when a Time filter will be used for "Set user input" e.g. for a text element, even if I specify the format yyyy-MM-dd for the text output.

Is it right, that the day will not be delivered to an input field? If yes, and since the from-to days are available for the time filter display, wouldn't is be easy to deliver them for an input field too?

by Georg Schmitt Author
Posted on Tue, 09/20/2011 - 14:29

Another comment:

As I have learned from the demo MashApps (Demo feature overview - Filter controls) I am supposed to return Data Feed rows/values including a date column. The date column of a row I could filter with the Time filter using "On or after Selection (from)" and  "Before or on Selection (to)". This way I don't have to care about days, months, quarters, years or any date format.

However, I need the day/time value for a WHERE clause of a SELECT statement. Here I have a problem. Selecting e.g. 2011-Q3 is ambiguous to me, depending on the date format. With format yyyy-QQ I get 2011-Q3 when I select 2011-Q3 or 2011-07. With format yyyy-MM I get 2011-07 for the same selections 2011-Q3 or 2011-07. Bad luck. 

by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Thu, 10/06/2011 - 09:52

Hi Georg,

indeed, there is an issue in case you want the date picker to populate a SQL-WHERE clause. It is caused by the date to string conversion. When converting you specify a pattern which implies a granularity (e.g. day).

The date picker however returns dates of year, quarter, or month granularity. The next version of MashZone will introduce a way to handle this problem. In the mean time I may suggest to replace the date picker by two date input fields which represent start and end based on a daily granularity.




by Luis Delgado
Posted on Thu, 06/14/2012 - 22:03

Hi, I'm using "Aris MashZone" and this issue is still pending, do you know when it will be fixed?


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