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ARIS for Students offerings are completely free-of-charge containing everything you need to get a practical angle on BPM. There are two single-user offerings available: For local installation or in the cloud. Both are recommended for students; however, faculty members can also use these offers for test or research purposes.

ARIS Download for Students
Single-User, Local Installation
  • Licenses for ARIS Architect and ARIS UML Designer
  • Local installation
  • 6 months, can be extended
  • Requires Windows 10
ARIS Cloud for Students
Single-User, Public Cloud
  • Access to ARIS Basic
  • Cloud-based solution — no installation required
  • 6 weeks, can be extended to 12 weeks

ARIS for Faculties offerings are completely free-of-charge providing you with everything you need to enrich your BPM courses for your students with a practical angle. There are two multi-user offerings available: For local installation (private cloud) or in the cloud. Additionally, prepared lecture slides, tutorials and exercise materials complete the ARIS Education Package supporting you best in preparing your lectures.

ARIS Download for Faculties
Multi-User, Private Cloud
  • Licenses for ARIS Connect Server and ARIS Connect Designer/Viewer
  • Local installation by the faculty
  • 12 months, can be extended
ARIS Cloud for Faculties
Multi-User, Public Cloud
  • Access to ARIS Advanced
  • Cloud-based solution — no installation required
  • 6 months, can be extended
ARIS Process Mining for Faculties
Multi-User, Public Cloud
  • Access to ARIS Process Mining Advanced
  • Cloud-based solution - no installation required
  • 6 months, can be extended

ARIS Discount for Universities is a highly discounted offering for data centers or administrators at universities, allowing you the use of ARIS for administrative and productive purposes. There are several multi-user options in the cloud available depending on your requirements providing over 70% discount on the list price of ARIS Cloud products. The supported products are ARIS Basic, ARIS Advanced and ARIS Process Mining Advanced.

ARIS Discount for Universities
Multi-User, Public Cloud
  • Highly discounted ARIS for administrative purposes, for example
    • ARIS Advanced
    • 1 Designer, 10 Viewer
    • 24 Months Subscription period
  • Scalable
  • Cloud-based solution — no installation required
  • Forum for discussing and collaborating with other institutions/users