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Escalation Management Processes

Need to escalate an issue? Contact

The SSM email alias is monitored only during normal business hours*. You can expect a response from us within 4 business hours of submission.

However, if you need to speak to someone immediately or if you need to escalate a crisis incident, please call your local Support number and request to be connected to a Support Manager. 

  • Business Hour - “Business Hour” shall mean the hours from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on a Business Day.
  • Business Day - “Business Day” shall mean the days from Monday to Friday excluding the public holidays.

While Global Support aims to resolve each of your issues in a timely and appropriate way, there may be occasions where you feel a little extra attention is necessary. Perhaps you have a critical go-live deadline, or an issue that is having an increasing impact on your organization. 
Of course, you can always notify your Global Support technical contact that you would like to escalate your Support Incident, but we also have a team of experts in escalation management at your disposal. 
The Strategic Support Managers (SSMs) are here to assist you in managing issues that need escalation. The SSMs function is to: 

  • Act as single point of contact for escalations
  • Manage the issue to completion, acting as your advocate within Software GmbH
  • Maintain a cross-functional coordination and communication focus
  • Provide a management and executive interface, for customers and within Software GmbH
  • Develop and negotiate action plans, and drive accountability for completion
  • Assist in workload prioritization
  • Identify the causes of escalation and make recommendations to avoid recurrence
  • Ensure that your business needs are visible throughout Software GmbH

You can engage an SSM to help if you have an unresolved issue that is: 

  • Impacting your production environment, for example: 
    • Financial impact.
    • Direct impact on your customers or partners.
    • Serious impact on live business processes.
  • Threatening a “go live” schedule, where you may not meet a near-term implementation deadline, causing significant delay to the project schedule.  

SSMs can be reached easily via email at

In your message, please indicate clearly the customer concerned, if applicable the particular support incident number, and – most important – the business reason behind the escalation (i.e.: please give an idea why a particular case is important either to resolve in a timely manner and its impact to your business). 


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