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I'm not having much luck trying to import data into a matrix model using this report.  Can it be done?  If not which is the way to produce a matrix model automatically?  I have 2000 program modules accessing 40 databases, there are about 5000 CRUD connections that would be ideally shown using a matrix model.

Also, I've created App Sys Type models from the Import data in Excel format report, however in the model structure sheet, objects that are listed in column D create the model (as specified by <ModType1>) with the same name but also create an object in the same model (as specified by <SymType1> - not including <SymType1> in this row and the script fails).  So how do you create the model with a specific title and not have an object with that same title in the model itself?

I'm using ARIS 7.1


by Silviya Ivanova
Posted on Thu, 04/05/2012 - 12:15

Hi Anthony,

even if you can create a matrix (which I doubt, as I don't see how you would specify which objects to be placed in the horizontal and which in the vertical axis), you would have to play with 5000 connections, respectively as much rows in the template excel for import...I'd rather import the 2040 objects wiht process generator, then darg-and-drop them to the matrix model and click 5000 times for the desired connections.



by Rick Bosworth
Posted on Mon, 04/09/2012 - 14:29


I don't believe you can create a matrix model directly using the Import data in excel format report. However, you can use the report to create the objects and relationships. Once the import is complete, then select the objects and create the matrix. As you have already created the relationships in the Aris repository they will show up on the matrx.

by Rick Bosworth
Posted on Mon, 04/09/2012 - 14:34


For the second question, I don't believe that you can do this with the report. Aris default behaviour assumes that models are "about" an object and therefore named for that object. The same is true if you create an asignment for an object to a new model, that model gets named for the object by default. If you really want to achieve this I would create a dummy object with the name of the model and set some attribute to a value I could search for later. After the Import is complete, use find to locate all of the dummy objects and delete them.

by Anthony Horner Author
Posted on Tue, 04/10/2012 - 17:40

Thanks guys your feedback was useful.

I wanted to know there wasn't something obvious I was missing (it happens a lot with me!) I guess I'll try the pragmatic approach advocated above.


Thanks again,

by Edwin Verstraeten
Posted on Thu, 04/12/2012 - 11:05

Hi Anthony,

One small remark, if you load the data for the second time, all objects will be created a second time. So my advise here is to import in a seperate database first.

Best regards,


by Anthony Horner Author
Posted on Fri, 04/13/2012 - 10:47

Hi Edwin,


And I have noticed this before you posted.  What is the solution, delete the folder and re-organize the DB?




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