Hi Experts,
I am new to ARIS administration. We are having both 7.1 and 7.2 versions of ARIS in our landscape. Could you please let me know what are the regular task for ARIS administrator to look into.
Thank you.
Dear Jitu,
Have you read the ARIS Installation and Administration Guide?
Former source: http://documentation.softwareag.com/aris/platform_72sr4e/platform_e.htm
New source: http://aris.softwareag.com/ARISDownloadCenter/ADCDocumentationServer
In that paper there are all tasks/tools mentioned you need to take care of, some on demand by the ARIS front-end users and some you need do reguarly from a maintenance perspective.
Besides that Software AG offers a training course for ARIS Administration:
http://www.softwareag.com/corporate/images/SAG_GlobEd_Catalog_BRO_Dec12_WEB_tcm16-105182.pdf see course ARIS Server Installation (ASI).