The Target of this microforum is to give customers an overview on SAP Application Lifecycle Management and the different Solution Extensions.. In every SAP ALM phase SAP proposes Tools from their Partners supporting the specific needs of the companies. Funnylly the first question asked as I Sat down in the microforum concerns business process Modeling for non-SAP Processes. Where and how to Deal with those processes. The answer of the SAP Colleague of course is to use "the very valuable tools vor Business process management with ARIS Enterprise Modeling by IDS Scheer/Software AG". The Solution of Software AG also enables companies to publish the modeled Business and thus make valuable Reuse of the information. As he states there are only a maximum of 15 to 20 % of the whole company Business Processes that are relevant for SAP. That's why it makes much sense to use ARIS for Business Process Management and then synchronize those processes that are SAP relevant into SAP Solution Manager. That's exactly the point! He goes through the SAP ALM and Depicts the different Solution Extensions in SAP ALM. In the tes area SAP connects with HP Quality Center. That is also supported by ARIS Business Architect for SAP with the Test Designer. The ARIS Test Designer supports the conception of tests. Other topics like operations, anlytics and optimization also Play an important role in SAP ALM but That's another Story ;-)

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