Hello all

Has anyone implemented Aris as a  (lightweight) data catalog  ?  and how ?

That is , having in Aris

  • a list of business entities (Customer, Product, .....)
  • a list of the main attributes for each business entity (example  : name, adress, ...)
  • for some applications (application system types objects) , a description of data managed by these applications :
    • a list of "application objects" ( example : SAP Business Partner, ...)
    • a list of attributes for these application objects (exemple : name, adress, ..)
    • the data could be inserted into aris using a script (export some application data description from the application, import into aris using a report)
  • the links between business objects and application data
  • the links between business entities attributes and application objects attributes
  • some reports ( list of data for every application, for a given business object list of corresponding data in every application) 

Thanks !



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