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I have created a custom attribute called "Is a heading" and have included the "Checkbox" symbol to display it. The symbol is displayed but it is filled with a blue box when first viewed. On clicking, the checked mark appears.

The checkbox toggles between the blue box, the checked mark and the unchecked mark.

Is there any way in which I can get only the checked or the unchecked symbol in the checkbox?



Nelson lobo

by Nelson Lobo Author
Posted on Sun, 10/25/2009 - 11:09

Pls find attached the snapshot of the third value of the checkbox.

by Nelson Lobo Author
Posted on Sun, 10/25/2009 - 11:27


I had a second query regarding the above secnario. Lets say "Requirement" is the object on which i have created a custom attribute called "Is a heading". When I check the checkbox for "Is a heading" attribute and return to the designer window, I want an additional icon to appear besides the object's symbol.

Is this possible in Aris??

This isi mportamt as it is hampering my coding.


Nelson Lobo

by Thomas Kummer
Posted on Sun, 10/25/2009 - 16:31


the filled rectangle is a mark that the attibute is not maintained, so to anwser your question it is not possible to have a checkbox with only two states.  To your second question you just need to place the attribute on the object using the properties dialog(attribute placement).

Regards Thomas


by Nelson Lobo Author
Posted on Tue, 10/27/2009 - 09:13

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for the information.

The second query's answer can solve my problem, but I am looking at placing a symbol/picture rather than "words" on the object. 


Nelson Lobo


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