Hii everyone!!

 I am facing problem in understanding the use of start macro tool and how to implement it ?

will be grateful if someone can let me know the use and implementation according to the latest version of the ARIS .

Thanks in advance 

by Nupur Wadhwa Author
Posted on Fri, 08/05/2022 - 10:38


Rune Becker , 

can I pls get a reply?


by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Fri, 08/05/2022 - 13:37

In reply to by nupur wadhwa 09

Dear Nupur,

As you posted in the forum ARIS Cloud Support I assume you are using ARIS Basic or ARIS Advanced?
For the both products feel free to open a suppot ticket.



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