Hi ARIS Community,

I'm  writing an ARIS Script to add object attributes using createAttrOcc ( Model model, Occ occ, int port, int atn, int alignment ).

I have the following code but the object attribute is not added:


var allOcc = Designer.getOccs(model);

for (var i=0; i< allOcc.length ; i++ ) {
      if (!(allOcc[i].getItemKind() == (Constants.CID_GFXOBJ)) && !(allOcc[i].getItemKind() ==(Constants.CID_UNION))){
Designer.createAttrOcc(model, allOcc[i], Constants.ATTROCC_RIGHT, Constants.AT_UA_TXT_444, Constants.ATTROCC_ALIGN_CENTER, Constants.ATTROCC_NAME);

Hope someone can help me.







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