Hi all, I would like to know if this specific solution to my problem is correct or not.
The process owner sends information to the supervisor.
The supervisor checks the information and if it is not sufficient, he can request additional information. Then he creates a report and sends it to the supervisor. The supervisor receives the report, evaluates it and the process ends. I wanted to know if this way of modeling waiting with an event based exclusive gateway is correct or not. If the supervisor does not request additional information, does the process continue correctly? Are there any other possible alternatives to solve my problem?

by Klemens Hauk
Posted on Mon, 05/15/2023 - 00:07

The model is correct in principle especially regarding the usage of the event based exclusive gateway. A similar discussion we had in the thread Catching message event from multi instance pool. Instead of using intermediate events here you are using two receive tasks as part of the gateway configuration (Receive request for additional information ands Receive report). Only one of both will be executed. The usage of receive tasks instead of events is allowed in a gateway configuration, but no mixing.

Two remarks regarding the modelling (1) The sequence flow between the two start events is not allowed (and not necesarry). (2) In the supervisor process after the message start event a task like "Information checking" is missing. The exclusive gateway itself needs data from this task to decide which branch will be followed.



Btw. Why are you changing your name? We should use our real name in this professional forum.

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Mon, 05/15/2023 - 08:08

Hi, I agree with all of Klemens Hauk's remarks and would like to add one more. The Exclusive Gateway of the supervisor is a bit awkward, because it does not show the condition expression for the different paths. You intend to say: "Supervisor may or may not send a message". The condition, when the message will not be sent is unclear here. Is it a timeout or an active decision by the supervisor not to comment? If that were modelled more precisely you also would not need the closing XOR rule (it's optional, question of personal taste). Both paths may directly lead to "Make report".


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