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Hi there,

I am currently searching for a solution if one needs to show n different processes, where each can be started by all n-1 others and where each can start any (number of) the n-1 others.

Obviously, the number of (successor of) relationships grows like 2n!, at the same time the readability decreases.

A visual solution is to arrange the functions and relationships in order to overlay as many lines as often as possible. However, re-editing individual lines becomes more cumbersome and if not all of the 2n! of the relationships are realized, this would not easily visible.

To show all of the lines, I arranged them around a circle, and draw the relationship forth and back between two processes with sligh distance to each others. However, this "circle" of processes is not according to the guideline. And one runs in to problems if the same model should include processes that start the "interplay" of the processes on the circle.

Even if this probably sounds like that, this is not an academic problem, any suggestions are appreciated.



by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Wed, 10/31/2012 - 07:45


I don't believe this can be solved with a process model in any meaningful way. Instead, you need something like a decision table determining the follow-on process. This is often done using a business rules approach. But you could also use a matrix model with some self-defined meaning.


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