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PRESS RELEASE   Software AG Appoints New Chief Evangelist Theo Priestley   Outspoken and controversial Theo will shine a light on the sometimes incomprehensible world of Enterprise IT   Bracknell, UK, 05-08-2013, Software AG today announced that outspoken technology evangelist and industry analyst Theo Priestley has joined the company to bring his passion and insight to telling the real story behind today’s industry trends. Theo has been appointed Vice President and Chief Evangelist at Software AG, a newly created position that Software AG feels will elevate their brand awareness and enterprise strengths above the competition. Theo will be responsible for enabling the marketing and voice of the industry’s leading Business Process, Big Data/ In-Memory/ Complex Event Processing, Cloud, Mobile, Integration and Real-Time Transaction suite of platforms.   His deep knowledge of technology and business trends and passion for storytelling and enabling new customer experiences mixed with his down to earth style makes him a trusted voice in the enterprise technology industry. Theo will continue to write for several technology and business related sites including his own successful blog IT Redux.   "I'm thrilled that Software AG has asked me to join and elevate the story they have to tell through my own style of technology evangelism. I'm known for being outspoken and passionate about the software industry so I want to draw out what all the trends really mean for organisations today, where they'll lead if they embark on such a journey and how Software AG can enable their business along the way”.   With big data, cloud, mobile and social collaboration driving the most wide-ranging IT revolution ever, Theo will team up with Software AG’s current experts team to explain how they are shaping the world, the economy, your business and every individual. Bringing the real story of a customer's success to life, the people who made it happen, the problem they faced, and how they solved it, Theo will show how Software AG will enable you to take advantage of these trends to stay ahead of the competition.   “The relationship between the IT industry, the business community and the private citizen is being turned on its head by the combination of today’s four major technology trends”, said Software AG Executive Board member, Darren Roos. “Enterprises are trailing their digitally savvy new employees and customers in grasping the new business opportunities just waiting to be picked. I am therefore delighted that Theo has come on board to help identify these opportunities in clear, crisp terms, both within Software AG and to the market. This is the perfect time”.   Theo’s internal role is to connect Sales to Marketing, bringing the Software AG story to life in a consistent manner that everyone can understand and in turn allow the client to understand without using industry jargon. Theo has the express aim to draw the Software AG proposition on the back of a napkin, something very few IT companies can claim to do, simplifying the message so it's accessible to everyone; Business and IT, why they will affect your organization, your career and your personal digital identity.
by Ismael Shameem Etowar
Posted on Thu, 08/15/2013 - 17:56

Congratulations M. Theo Priestley. All the Best for your new post.





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