Hi all,

I had installed the ARIS 9 client and also the local database system. However, I faced the error "remote clients are not allowed for this server"


Is there any additional thing that I need to install?



Some additional information


To install the ARIS Client (Architect) to the PC and use


1. Ran the ARIS Client setup

2. Given a choice to install either ARIS Architect or UML designer or both.

3. Selected ARIS Architect/Designer ONLY

4. Selected ARIS with Local Standard Database System

5. Imported the ARIS_Architect.xml (I had zipped it up before importing)

6. Run the ARIS Architect & Designer

7. In the "Run ARIS" - to key in user name and password.

8. Connection chosen: Local. User name: system. Password: [inserted password] 9. Error: remote clients not allowed for this server


System setup:

Window Server 2008 R2 Enterprise

Intel (R) Core (TM) i7-2620M CPU @ 2.70 GHz (2 processors)

64 bits Operating System

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