
I am a newbie to ARIS and may be this will sound pretty simple to the rest of you.

But I need help in having an input/output parameter in the EPC to one of the functions in my process modelling.

There are no symbols for input/output parameters....

Can someone shed some light?

Thanking you in anticipation.

- Vandita.

by Christoph Lorenz
Posted on Wed, 06/22/2016 - 13:41

Hi Vandita

What do you mean with input/output parameters?



by vandita kenjale Author
Posted on Thu, 06/23/2016 - 09:42

So here is the scenario of a process I am trying to implement using ARIS.

Role A carries out a Function A using Document A

Function A leads to Function B and the output results in Document B.

In ARIS, I was able to build relationships using Value Added Chain and EPC models to have Roles/functions/events but I am unable to give them inputs (in my example Document A) and outputs(in my example Document B)


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