Hi there,

I am using ARIS 10 SR 21 Enterprise edition, ARIS Architect.

I want to output functions on a model (EPC row) with certain attributes sorted by serial number attribute in ascending order.

I am facing a challenge when sorting my query & report outputs by Sr. No. attribute. I have selected the correct sort in query template editor however the output gives me erraneous sorting when the number of functions exceed 10. For a model with less than 10 functions I get the right sort order, however when the number of functions exceed 10 the sorting gives me incorrect output.

Sorting when functions less than 10 >> 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

Sorting when number of functions greater than 10 >> 1,10,11,12,13,2,3,4,5,6,7... (this is consistent across models with more than 10 functions).

I am facing the same issue when using Queries and also when using WSIWYG report editor.

Is this a known issue? Any help on what I could be doing wrong/ solutions would be appreciated.



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