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Insert free-form texts

Help > ARIS Express > Add information > Insert free-form texts

Insert free-form texts

You can insert texts at any positions in the model window.


  1. Click on the Insert free-form text (Insert free-form text) button in the toolbar, or on Insert/Free-form text.
  2. The mouse pointer receives an additional symbol: Free-form text cursor
  3. Click on the position in the model window where you want to place the text. A text box opens, in which you can make your entry.
  4. Click next to the text box to end the input.

Your entries will be displayed in the model window.


You can paste free-form texts via the clipboard into your model.

See also

Change free-form texts

Format free-form texts

Move free-form texts

alert-bell-notification-2 chromelock-1 share-external-link-1