Help > ARIS Express > Basics
- New
- Activate ARIS Express
- ARIS Express - Program information
- Open model
- Keys/Shortcut keys
- Screen layout in the ARIS Express Home area
- Screen layout in the ARIS Express modeling area
- Toolbars
- Model overview pane
- Attributes pane
- Symbols pane
- Fragments pane
- Mini toolbar
- ARIS Express Home area toolbar
- Modeling area toolbar of ARIS Express
- Select file/Export file dialog
- Place connection (already exists) dialog
- Place connection (row/column display) dialog
- Enter password dialog
- Layout dialog
- Open model dialog
- Create fragment dialog
- Rename fragment dialog
- New model dialog
- Print preview dialog
- Edit SmartDesign dialog (flow)
- Edit SmartDesign dialog (hierarchy)
- Insert SmartDesign dialog (flow)
- Insert SmartDesign dialog (hierarchy)
- Show columns dialog
- Save as dialog