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Edit SmartDesign dialog (hierarchy)

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Edit SmartDesign dialog (hierarchy)


Allows model contents to be entered quickly using the keyboard while the model graphic is created automatically.

The model type and your settings in the Show columns pop-up menu on the table header determine what columns are shown in the table.

The table colors help to distinguish between the object types.

First column

When you edit existing model contents, all hierarchy objects that are linked to the selected object and to each other directly are shown in the first column in an organizational chart, e.g., all organizational units of an organizational hierarchy.

You can insert other hierarchy objects in the table.

More columns

If other columns are available, objects are shown there that have a relationship to the object in the first column, e.g., all roles that belong to an organizational unit.

You can insert other objects.

Add object (Add object)

Adds a row for a new object below the row in which the cursor is currently located.

Remove object (Remove object)

Warning: If you delete an object in the first column, the entire row is deleted and hence also every object that is assigned to the deleted object in other columns.

Deletes the object in which the cursor is currently located.

Place one level lower in the hierarchy (Place one level lower in the hierarchy)

Places the object in which the cursor is currently located one level lower in the tree view. The model type determines the maximum number of levels possible.

Place one level higher in the hierarchy (Place one level higher in the hierarchy)

Places the object in which the cursor is currently located one level higher in the tree view.

Up (Up)

Moves the object in which the cursor is currently located up one row.

Down (Down)

Moves the object in which the cursor is currently located down one row.

Undo (Center vertically)

Undoes editing steps.

Redo (Redo)

Redoes editing steps that were undone.

Show columns (Show columns)

Allows you to select object types that can be shown as columns in the SmartDesign table.

Help (Help)

Displays this Help page.

See also

Edit SmartDesign

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