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Is there a way to backup the whole database that has all of my process maps on to a file locally?

I tried exploring the database options by it does not show me 'backup' or 'restore'

Would appreciate any help on this

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by Frank Weyand
Posted on Tue, 02/04/2020 - 18:05


you need the architect license, but you only have designer license assigned.



by Abhishek Yapuram Author
Posted on Thu, 02/06/2020 - 11:21

Hello Frank,


Does this mean that I have to go back and check with my client if they have the architect license? and if yes do I have to get the access? 


I have a 'Tenant Backup' guide but haven't tried doing it, firstly is it same as a normal backup and will it require special permissions?



by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Thu, 02/06/2020 - 12:32


I don't think there is any client without at least one Architect license. Doing the backup to a file is quite sensitive, since you write all the knowledge into the file and can take it with you. You do not only need the architect license, but you also have to have the function privilege "Backup Administrator" assigned to you.

A tenant backup requires even more permissions. With that you would take all databases plus systemdb plus all documents from ARIS Document storage..., essentially you could restore the entire ARIS environment elsewhere from that file.

Go and ask your client, if he wants to give you such a backup.

by Abhishek Yapuram Author
Posted on Mon, 02/10/2020 - 14:36

Hello M-zschuckelt,


My client wants to do have the database backup file and he's okay with giving me a backup.


Do you have any document to do the backup that could be later restored? and where can I check if I don't have the required permissions assigned by my client? so that I can  hightlight it to my client


Many thanks.

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Mon, 02/10/2020 - 15:23


doing the backup is simple (supposing your client is in the architect client): A user with appropriate privileges (Backup Administration or Database Administration) can select "Backup database" in the context menu of the database. This will download the whole database to an .adb file.

Restoring it is not trivial for you, because you also need an Architect client and apparently you only have a Designer client. So you have to ask a user with an Architect license to restore the database in the target environment and assign you privileges to access it.

Additionally your client most probably has got some method extensions, which you would also need in your environment in order to see custom attributes, model types or symbols. So you would have to request your client to deliver you his method filter also. A user with privilege "Configuration Administration" can export that in ARIS Architect client and likewise on your side a user with that privilege should import that .filter file to your target environment. Last but not least, if your client is using his own templates for layout, symbol sizes, fonts etc. he should also give you a copy of those, so what you produce on your side looks the same as at your client's place.

Just one more question: What is the purpose? Does the client expect you to be modelling for him in your environment and delivering results back to him? It would be much easier, if your client assigned you one of his Designer licenses and let you do the modelling directly in his environment. Whenever you work in multiple copies of the same database you get all those difficult questions on conflict resolution, when you merge the artifacts again.

by Patrik Siffrin
Posted on Mon, 02/10/2020 - 16:10


if you do not have an Architect available for backuping via UI, you can use the ARIS Administrator  command line tool to backup a database.
It can be installed separately via Client Setup and does not need an Architect license to work, only a server license and of course the necessary privileges.



by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Tue, 02/11/2020 - 09:35

And another option not requiring any installation is a database backup via ARIS Tenant Management:



by Abhishek Yapuram Author
Posted on Tue, 02/11/2020 - 15:08


Firstly I use ARIS via clients VPN and don't have any accesss to the local files where ARIS is installed, I kind of understand that whatever way I choose to backup I would need some special permissions to do it


So the first thing to do would be to ask my client to provide the backup privelege or if they have an architect license?


Thanks for the comments I can see some light now

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Wed, 02/12/2020 - 08:27

In reply to by Abhishek Yapuram

I repeat my question: What is your purpose of the backup? If you have access to the client's ARIS Designer client via VPN you can do modelling for him in his environment. What does your client expect you to do, so you want to request a backup privilege from him?

Please forgive me my persistence. To me it seems rather odd that an entity should allow externals to do backups of its entire ARIS database (and potentially walk away with heaps of confidential information).

by Abhishek Yapuram Author
Posted on Fri, 02/14/2020 - 09:16

In reply to by M. Zschuckelt

The purpose of the backup is to have it all in one file and handover it to the client, as there are not many ARIS users at the clients end.


I can understand your concern of a mishap if an external has the whole database but I think the client is aware of this 

by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Fri, 02/14/2020 - 13:22

In reply to by Abhishek Yapuram

Well, after taking a second look at your initial screenshot, I noticed that you are using ARIS Designer. That product can NOT be used for any database management functions on an ARIS Server. You need ARIS Architect and the functional privilege Database administrator.

If your customer's ARIS administrators have assigned only ARIS Designer to you, they are most likely aware that you aren't able to back up your database. If not, then they probably need a technical ARIS training for managing ARIS Server.



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