Hallo ,
Is there a way to have list of all the orphan objects in a project? By orphan I mean objects with no internal or external connections.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks ,
I suppose you want to review the orphans before deciding on deletion or re-creation of an occurrence in a model?
If you just wanted to get rid of the orphans (and my definition of an orphan would be an object, that does not have any occurrences in any model), there is the function "Reorganize" in the context menu of the database in the Administration module. But attention, this removes all orphans (according to my definition) from the whole database! Afterwards it gives you a list of the objects that were deleted on screen, which you cannot export anywhere.
Hello Abhishek,
a way to find objects without any occurances I have described here
Please consider checking this first as your definition of orphans may include "dangling" objects as well but you cannot see them in models.
In order to find objects without relations try the standard report "Object info" (in tables) output to Excel, then filter the Excel accordingly.
Another approach is semantic checks on process oder hierarchic models because it should report a failure if objects are not connected.
Regards, Martin