
I am making a mashup for the interface repository. I have a PowerPoint which has interface pattern types slide for each interface pattern. There are 20 slides, one for each interface pattern.

What I would like to do is:

Display the pattern based on the pattern type selected in the filter. So say if I select GIS pattern in dropdown menu it should display the image for GIS pattern. If I select SAP PI then it should display SAP PI pattern.

Can anyone help me with this please?

Thanks in advance.

by J Kirsch
Posted on Wed, 11/27/2013 - 14:18


sorry for the late reply. If this is still of interest, here a possible the solution:

You can compose the url or file path of an image source dynamically by selection values coming from any component. In this case a combobox. The following 2 screenshots illustrate that.

Screenshot 1 shows the content of the combobox.

Screenshot 2 shows how you use the content to define the url for the resulting image.





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