Hello I am using ARIS 9.8 Architect and I am having the following problem.

In my Enterprise BPMN collaboration diagram I have a task. I am trying to assign to that task two other Enterprise BPMN collaboration diagrams (two child options of child processes). After I assign one, I am unable to assign another. I seem to be able to assign as maybe child EPC processes to that task. 

I looked in the configuration: Administration / Object Types / Tasks.

Oddly enough Enterprise BPMN collaboration was currently an assignment option for Task. (how did I assign the first one?). I added it, and tried various combinations of "Multiple times" and "Insert Objects" (Note: I could not find any documentation on this function.) but that did not solve the problem.

I would appreciate any help.

Thank you,

Adam Hulse


by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Tue, 03/05/2019 - 09:14

Hi Adam,

assigning more than one Collaboration to a task is not the way BPMN works. You should decide on a gateway which way to go (which variant to choose) and have two Call Activities, one on each side. Assigning more than one process would cause ambiguity. Remember "assignment" is not a BPMN concept, but an ARIS concept. BPMN specification needs a to-1 relationship to the called process of a Call Activity. Of course the same process may be called by multiple Call Activities.

They are the only way to link to other BPMN Collaborations. The other possible way is to collaborate with other processes (Pools) at your model level (hence it's called "collaboration") through the exchange of message flows. When you use "Sub-process" you can only assign BPMN process diagrams, since sub-processes don't allow Pools and Lanes in BPMN.

BPMN does not support a level concept as do ARIS Value Added Chain Diagrams. There is only "Collaboration" and "Process" (as a child of sub-process). Call Activities as an interface to re-usable process models represent a concept similar to a business service.


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