
Are there available semantic checks for my BPMN process diagram (2.0 beta) or BPMN collaboration diagram (2.0 beta)?

I've tried to use Semantic check profile: Validation of a service-oriented BPMN model (BPMN1.0) on either process model types to no avail.   Beyond the pdf output template header/footer, the semantic check is empty.

Knowing that this Semantic check profile is 1.0, I tried a user defined one, selecting the semantic check elements from Rules for a service-oriented BPMN model with same empty result.

Please advise if there are available Semantic checks specifically tailored for BPMN2.0 models or if this will come in future release.



by Jutta Michely
Posted on Thu, 07/08/2010 - 09:40

Hi Alain,

semantic checks for BPMN 2.0 are not yet available. However, we plan to deliver them with our next service release (August/September).



by Karlheinz Mevissen
Posted on Wed, 11/04/2015 - 16:01

In reply to by Jutta Michely

Hi Jutta,

Could you please provide an update on semantic checks for BPMN 2.0 and whether or not they can be executed also on the new Enterprise BPMN models types. In our environment it seems that they run without results.




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