

I have installed new AdoptopenJDK (Hotspot 8 and 11) in my system to run ARIS Architect/Designer JAR file in my system.


When I run the .jar file by double clicking it, it is not opening. when I run .jar file by using command prompt, it is opening(command used to run > java -jar “aris_app.jar”).


Can anyone please help me resolving this issue, Thanks in advance!

by Caspar Jans
Badge for 'Influencer' achievement
Posted on Fri, 02/05/2021 - 14:50

Hi, I'm not a Java expert, but does your system (I assume its Windows) know that this AdoptopenJDK is your default java runtime application?

by Gnana Gopal Adusumilli Author
Posted on Sat, 02/06/2021 - 09:30

In reply to by TheBPMGuy


Yes it is windows system and adoptopen JDK is default Java runtime application.

by Alexander Cherednichenko
Badge for 'Answermachine' achievement
Posted on Sun, 02/07/2021 - 15:24

The first suspect is that you need Oracle JRE to run that, it is free, with the Oracle app I've never seen issues.

The second suspect is that there is e.g. you use 32-bit JRE at 64-bit Windows, then it is also creating different issues or as in your case just does not work

by Patrik Siffrin
Posted on Mon, 02/08/2021 - 12:15


this is a known JAVA  JRE Issue.

There is a wrong file type association in the windows registry due to the "-jar" component missing.
You can use e.g. the "jarfix" tool to solve this or you have to add "-jar" manually in the registry.


by Frank Weyand
Posted on Mon, 02/08/2021 - 13:13


yes, Patrik is right.

But you noticed, that you installed an JDK. There are JDK installations that do not create the correct file type associations.

Make sure you installed a JRE or a JDK containing an JRE.




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