If I use the resize option then the content of my MashApp table gets concatenated even though the data in the field is less that the lenght of the column and the only way to clear it is to reopen the MashApp and work with a shrunk down version of the dashboard which is not ideal.
Is this a bug or is there a way to set the settings on the screen size so that this does not happen?
Many thanks
Hi Charles
What you are describing is a known bug. It is a behavior of the standard flex3 label component.
The Problem appears only if you scale the screen. If you turn it back to 100% the labels shold be ok again.
For the next release we will do the step to flex4. And with the new flex-components this bug will be fixed.
Best regards
Hi Thomas
I have tried the 100% and it does not work - it is just not the labels that become unreadable it is the columns of data too.
Until the next release is there not a way to optomise the screen in compose mode so that when rendered it will show the full extent of my MashApps without needing to use the re-size option?
Also when is the next release due and how can I find out what is in the hopper?
Thanks and best regards
I have just returned from vacation and was looking for a response from anyone who has managed to find a work around for why auto-resizing of the screen concatenates the data.
Also my supplementary question on when the next release of MashZone will be and what does it include?