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  1. Why does starting the Aris MashZone Server take so long – it stops after a second or two at “INFO: deploying configuration descriptor mashzone.xml” for nearly 2 minutes (1:57 mins) before moving on to “INFO: server startup in (5 or 6 digit variable number) ms” which then runs for just a couple of seconds ?
  2. Can you use a single icon to start the server and then MashZone?
  3. What are the options and implications of running MashZone off line? – data refresh etc

Many thanks


by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Thu, 09/01/2011 - 08:43

Hi Charles,

right, MashZone server start up takes some time. But actually there is no need to shut it down often. In fact you can set up MashZone in a way so you don't feel that there is a MashZone server at all.

To do this you run MashZone as a Windows service which runs in the background and starts once Windows starts. To do so you install MashZone using advanced settings.

Some screens later you opt-in for install ARIS MashZone as a Windows service. By selecting start type automatic MashZone starts up whenever your operating system starts.

Once you are done you may check everything. To browse your Windows services list you may hit Windows start - select run enter services.msc. This reveals a panel which contains a list of your Windows services. You'll find MashZone as "Software AG MashZone". The list entry indicates if the server is running.

Based on this you only need to open MashZone's URL in your browser. No waiting anymore.




by Charles Collins Author
Posted on Mon, 09/05/2011 - 11:03

Many thanks Stephan that is just what I needed


On the third related subject on my origional acticle -

What are the options and implications of running MashZone off line? – data sync/refresh etc






by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Wed, 09/07/2011 - 08:42

Hi Charles,

depends on what you exactly mean with running offline. There are three layers which are helpful for explanation:

The upper layer represents what is actually visible. MashZone's UI runs in a browser and you cannot use it without being connected to a server - which is represented by the central layer.

On your case, however, server and client seem to be on one machine. If the first two layers are hosted by one computer you may go offline.

Next there is the lowest layer. It does not belong to MashZone, but MashZone needs reading access to it. Data sources are read by MashZone on demand (triggered by users viewing a MashApp). If you are using files only, than its absolutely safe to work offline.

But as soon as your MashApp depends on an external web service or you are sharing a MashZone server with your co-workers then connectivity is necessary, always.




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