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I just want to write a simple E-R diagram by using ARIS as below:

er chart

If I use a Data Model, it seems impossible to draw like this, but is my understanding correct?
Is there any other Model to fit a database E-R chart??

Thank you


by Klemens Hauk
Posted on Wed, 09/04/2024 - 17:25

Hi Ken,

in ARIS Basic you can use the model type "Data model" in ARIS Connect/Advanced/Enterprise the model type "IE Data model".



by Ken Aizawa
Badge for 'Explorer' achievement
Posted on Thu, 09/05/2024 - 03:16

In reply to by keha

Hi Klemens,
Thank you for your quick reply!
Yes, I understood that I should choose "Data Model" or "IE Data Model" as you mentioned.

Then, can I ask 3 detailed questions as below?

1. Can I draw an entity as below? 
    MS Visio can do, but I have to use each symbols on ARIS as Entity types, Attribute, Primary key, Foreign key,,, am I correct?


2. (Red marks as below chart)
    After connecting Symbols with Entity : Company as below, can I dynamically SHOW / HIDE the attached Symbols (Attribute/Primary Key/Forign Key) ? 
   In other words, when I export a PDF of this model, are there any way to choose Add or Hide the related Symbols? -> I want to generate 2 types of PDF from 1 model. 1st one is Entity map is included simply, and the other is that all of the related Symbols are fully added...

3 (Blue marked as abave)
   In Primary key / Foreign key / Attribyte, I can set values into the areas like "Description/Definition", "Remard/Example".  And my question is, can I show those additional values onto the Symbols same as the value of "Name"?

Sorry for asking many additional questions, but can I have your opinion?


by Veronika Ellermann
Badge for 'Supporter' achievement
Posted on Thu, 09/05/2024 - 09:44


not sure that I understand your question correctly.

I understand you want to be able to quickly hide and show placed attributes. If this is the case, I would create different templates that cover this use case.

Hope this helps.



by Klemens Hauk
Posted on Thu, 09/05/2024 - 20:49

Hi Ken,

Ad 1: Visio is a graphic tool, ARIS a modelling tool. And yes, all objects like entity types with the source/target cardinalities, attributes, keys have to be modelled separately, so that a detailed reporting and evaluations are possible.

Ad 2: No, this is not possible generating PDFs. I understand your request probably coming from the layer concept in Visio. Different layers like in Visio are not available in ARIS (btw. this would be a good enhancement of ARIS). I recommend hierarchical modelling with a first level including only the entity types with their relationships (with or without the cardinalities) and a second level including the entity types with their cardinalities and all objects knowing that you then have some redundancy. 

Ad 3: Yes, all additional properties of the objects also can be displayed in the graphic within the symbol or at any place you want. If you navigate to the property field of the detailed window a three dot menu "More" appears on the right side, where you find the option "Place attribute".




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