We are upgrading from ARIS 10.0 SR 7 to ARIS 10.0 SR23.
In some report, we extract data from ARIS and send it to a MySQL database.
In old version (SR7) we use to have MySQL connector (mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar) in folder "D:\SoftwareAG\ARIS10.0\server\jre\lib\ext".
Now with new version (SR23) based on JRE >9, it's no more possible (Java does not start at all if "ext" folder exists in "lib").
When I start my report, I have the following error "jdbc:mysql://xxx:3307/yyy JavaException: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://xxx:3307/yyy
I tried to put the new MySQL connector (mysql-connector-j-8.1.0.jar) in "Common files" and add a reference in my report (right click - Properties - Advanced), but same error (inspired by : https://www.ariscommunity.com/users/prosci8/2019-01-17-send-email-report-script ).
Here is te code I use to connect to MySQL database :
var driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
var login = "abc";
var pass = "def";
var url = "jdbc:mysql://xxx:3307/yyy";
//java.lang.Class.forName(this.driver); // No more required
connexion = java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(url,login,pass);
Can someone help me ?
Hello Alain,
my 50 cents are: try to access java.sql... this way
var connexion = new Packages.java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(url,login,pass);
For a more elaborate explanation see Java 11 docu: Importing Java Packages and Classes
Regards, Martin
Thanks for taking time to answer.
I'm still having the error. I think a reference or something is missing.
I'm sorry but I'm new to Java (I know Javascript).
How do I make MySQL connector recognized by ARIS ? I think I have to :
- Put mysql-connector-j-8.1.0.jar somewhere in ARIS installation folder (D:\SoftwareAG\ARIS10.0) or maybe in "Common files" in ARIS administrator
- Add a reference to MySQL connector
Could you help me a bit ?