
I discovered that is possible to restore unsaved changes in ARIS 9 when losing the connection to the server.

The question for me is, how exactly does it work? I was able after restoring the connection only once to restore unsaved changes, in all other attempts the model just gets locked by the user.

Can someone please explain me how that is supposed to work or is it just an unexpected feature ;)?

Best Regards



by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Thu, 06/11/2015 - 18:28

Hello Alex,

when you change a model and hit "Save" button or Ctrl+S your changes are persisted to the ARIS Server. Before that ARIS Architect writes all changes to the model locally to your hard disk (without asking you). That includes new objects and connections as well as changes to your model layout. Changes of attributes of objects persistent at the server are always committed to the server immediately as you change them (i.e changing the name or description of an existing object are submitted when you leave the edit mode of that attribute). So here is what happens, when the connection is lost or you kill the client using the task manager:

When you start the client and open the model with the unsaved changes for the first time the client finds the debris of your last session with this model on disk and asks you, if you want to restore your changes or discard them and start with a fresh reload of the model from the server.

Regards, M. Zschuckelt

by Alexander Mayer Author
Posted on Wed, 06/17/2015 - 09:23

Dear Mr. Zschuckelt

thank you for the feedback, but one more question why it happens that I get just locked models?

I tried several times to create a model but did not press save and stopped the internet connection and afterwards I received no remarks for saving offline data?

Attached the message I receive after connecting again.

Best regards


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