Hello community, I'm trying to export a model to PDF, but the error "out of memory" appear after some time, I'd like to know how can I do for save my model as PDF, or what can I do for solve this problem, thank you.
Hello community, I'm trying to export a model to PDF, but the error "out of memory" appear after some time, I'd like to know how can I do for save my model as PDF, or what can I do for solve this problem, thank you.
do you use a lot of graphical background objects, like rectangles with colors? That leads to a bigger graphic.
Which type of model you're trying to export ?
Usually when the model has large size can get this kind of error when Java JRE is trying to use more memory of the system.
On the Control Panel you have 'Java' option, open and go to 'settings' and choose to use the total value for 'set the amount of disk space for storing temporary files'.
Hello André,
I'm trying to export a EPC model, it has almost 60 activities and functions, the file weight its 200kb.
I tried with the solution that you mention, but it didn't work, do you know other form for solve the problem? or what can I do for export my files?
Thank you for your helping.
Hi Alejandro
did you try to provide more memory to ARIS express from this link "2012-08-17-export-pdf-out-memory" ?
I did several tests here and I can export large file but it depends of each environment. Can you provide your hardware details like Memory.. Free space in disk.. Operating system ..etc ?
Here I'm using the Java version "1.8.0_291"
Un Saludo
do you use a lot of graphical background objects, like rectangles with colors? That leads to a bigger graphic.
Hello André,
Yes, I tried to provide more memory to Aris and I didn't have any change, I don't kwon if I did something bad during the process, I'll try again. On the other hand, my computer has:
- W10, Core i7, GTX 950M, 12GB RAM, 94GB free space in disk and my Java version is 1.8.0_32
Thank you for your help.
It has maybe 3 or 4 rectangles, 2 with colors and the others without color, I'll try to change it, it could be a solution for my problem, TY.