Hi all,

is there any guide or tutorial so i can learn how to model and simulate a processes hierarchy in BPMN using ARIS PD&A?

I saw the examples, but these aren't quite clear for me.

What BPMN elements are supported?

Can simulation go through sub-processes? Can i use BPMN collapsed sub-process element in order to represent a hierarchy or should i use functions with assignments? In the second case, can simulation go through assignments?

can i call a process (that is higher in hierarchy ) from a sub-process (if a decision in a subprocess affect the execution flow in an higher process)?

thanks in advance




by Kai-Hendrik Pots
Posted on Thu, 09/26/2013 - 11:39

Hello Antonio,

University Relation offers no training matirial for simulating with bpmn at the moment.

As far I know only the Business Process Diagram (BPMN 1.x) and BPMN Allocation Diagram are supported in ARIS Business Simulator 7.2.

But you can find a lot more information in the ARIS Help about Simulating with BPMN.

Best Regards


by antonio margarito Author
Posted on Mon, 10/07/2013 - 16:00

In reply to by Kai-Hendrik

Hi Kai-Hendrik,

thanks for your tips

i spent a couple of day reading the Aris Help: as you said, i've found some helpful information in the Aris Help under  "optimize and control processes" - > "Simulate processes -> "Valuable information"   is not an exhaustive guide, but better than nothing. i was able to simulate the behaviour of my BPMN processes with that "Help", with some "trial and errors" steps, and with information that you can get by the semantic check    thank you and sorry for the delay of my answer 



by Shirley Leow
Posted on Thu, 03/13/2014 - 09:16

Hi Antonio,

From your trial and error, are you able to get an answer for your previous question below:

"Can simulation go through sub-processes? Can i use BPMN collapsed sub-process element in order to represent a hierarchy or should i use functions with assignments? In the second case, can simulation go through assignments?

can i call a process (that is higher in hierarchy ) from a sub-process (if a decision in a subprocess affect the execution flow in an higher process)?"

I new to ARIS BPMN modeling and is also stuck on whether to use collapsed sub process element or functions with assignment, and when to use call process. Are you able to share your experience?



Shirley Leow


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