Profile picture for user Amol


I am trying to insert a Aris Picture of a object i.e. Symbol Graphic of object, into another Aris Picture.

It was working fine in Aris 7.1 release 317 and before, but after that its not working. I get a Aris Picture which acutally contains the Symbol Graphic of object but it is totally white, so it looks blank.

for example.

var l_Picture = Context.createPicture();

var l_AstSymbol = l_MethodFilter.SymbolGraphic(33); // Application System Type object symbol

l_Picture.Insert(l_AstSymbol, 20, 20, 270, 170, Constants.PS_SOLID);

Now if i try to display this l_Picture on dialog box of if i try to save it on disk, i get white color image. If i try to insert more objects and try to draw lines between them, then in the resultant image i get only lines visible. Infact the object images are in white color so they are not visible.

The problem is the output Aris symbol images are in white color and user-defined symbols are burnt up.

Has anyone tried such. The same code works fine on Aris 7.1 release 317 and earlier versions. But versions after 317 it fails.


by Vladimir Bis
Posted on Tue, 02/28/2012 - 09:35

Hi Amol,

did you resolve this problem?


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