Hello, i am trying to retrieve the GUID of an UserGroup i have in my DB and i need to create a List with those GUIDs but nothing that i tried is working.
I've have this to get list of user groups from my BD which:
for (var k = 0 ; k < g_ousergroups.length ; k++ ){
var ocurrentusergroup = g_ousergroups[k];
var ocurrentattribute = ocurrentusergroup.Attribute(1000, g_nloc);
and i have tried to get the GUID from the current user group with:
sValue = g_ousergroups[k].Attribute(Constants.AT_ID, g_nLoc).getValue();
sValue = oObjDef.Attribute(Constants.AT_ID, g_nLoc).getValue();
sValue = g_ousergroups[k].Attribute(55, g_nLoc).getValue();
- When i check the value of the variable there is always no value at all
var auxi= g_ousergroups[k].FindGUID();
this gives me an error of "Cannot find in function FindGUID in object UserGroup object ID= ...."
Please help, i am completely stuck with this problem.
Best Regards.