Hello, I already installed arcm in one server, and aris designer in other server.
And I was trying to make the connection between these, I used the reconfigure command:
reconfigure arcm_s zookeeper.connect.string="<sag-aris>:2181"
but now arcm_s service is not starting, It's in starting status for some hours now but it never starts.
And in the logs i get:
2017-01-17 16:17:25,079|INFO |Runnable state monitoring thread arcm_s| com.aris.prov.agent.plugin.WebappPlugin.arcm_s - Ping to http://localhost:10081/arcm/design/default/images/icons/blank.gif failed!
2017-01-17 16:17:25,079|INFO |Runnable state monitoring thread arcm_s| com.aris.prov.agent.plugin.base.RunnableStateMonitoringThread.arcm_s - Ping level 2 ping failed.
What should I do?
In my computer I already run the ARIS Design Server, being that I have a connection in ARIS Architect for this server, also can acess ARIS Connect Server by browser. I can also ping between both servers. From arcm to designer one, and from designer one to arcm one.
My computer has 8GB Ram, but since I see that error in the log , I think the error may be the cause to the fact that service arcm_s never achieves status started, staying on "starting". Should I try medium installation?
I can't have arcm and design server in the same server, cause it would overwrite it.
(as it says in the documentation: "Do not install ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager on a server on which an ARIS Design Server or
ARIS Connect server is already installed. The ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager installation would
overwrite the infrastructure of the existing ARIS installation.")
I could start arcm_s before using the command: reconfigure arcm_s zookeeper.connect.string="<sag-aris>:2181"
, so the problem is to make the connection I would assume
For a demo installation it's fine to add/configure arcm_s on top of ARIS Design/Connect Server. You would NOT add ARCM via its setup but by manual commands in ARIS Cloud Controller. But this would prevent you from updating your underlying ARIS Design/Connect Server via their setups. A first removal of the ARCM runnable would be needed.
But since your computer has only 8 GB RAM, that procedure won't work at all.
As you seemed to have followed strictly the ARCM documentation and restarted ARCM after the connection, then I can only recommend you to open a support ticket. Via this forum we can't solve installation issues. Please attach the log files from both servers to your support ticket: ARCM + ARIS Design/Connect Server.