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Profile picture for user Ana Rita Lopes

Good afternoon,

I would like to ask your help for an important theme related to the Mashzone/Aware versions.

I am upgrading ARIS from version 9SR8 to the latest version.

Currently, the client infrastructure comprises ARIS Designer, ARIS Publisher, ARIS ARCM e ARIS Mashzone. For the new version, the client decided that they wanted to keep Publisher instead of switching to Connect. If the client does not have Connect installed, which version should be installed instead of Mashzone 9?

I think the use of the new ARIS Aware implies a new licensing related to ARIS Connect (Connect Designer) and our client only asked for renewal of the licenses.

What should I install? I can not find any Mashzone 10SR5/6 version and I do not have ARIS Aware licensing.


Best regards, Ana Rita Lopes

by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Fri, 11/16/2018 - 09:50

Dear Ana Rita,

MashZone NextGen 10 follows a different product version. It's current release as of Oct 2018 is 10.3. You can get it from Empower. MashZone Legacy has been sunset with release 9.12.

And yes, ARIS Aware is fully integrated in ARIS Connect. You can't use it without that base product.

So sad to see that your customer doesn't want to leverage on the many advantages which ARIS Connect brings compared to ARIS Publisher + ARIS Design Server. Maybe they will change their mind after watching the recorded webinar Why Now is the Time! Moving From ARIS Publisher to ARIS Connect in 2018.

Or maybe they need to get more insight into ARIS Connect for which I'd like to recommend ARIS 10 Live Webinar - ARIS Connect: Drive your Process Transformation with ARIS Connect - Your end-users will love it!.

Or maybe they get convince by the positive feedback of a very happy ARIS Connect customer: ARIS 10: Using ARIS Connect to Enable Vodafone’s Digital Journey



by Ana Rita Lopes Author
Posted on Fri, 11/16/2018 - 12:04

In reply to by rbe

Hello Rune,

I have already received the new licenses for the client, and in this case we are talking about MashZone licenses (Bundle, Server, User, Viewer) > LK Version 9.12.

My intention was to Connect, but unfortunately the customer was not satisfied with the conditions that were associated with the change of licensing for Connect.

I usually install the latest versions that are easily found in ARIS Download Center, but in this case, I still do not know where I can download Mashzone 9.12, can you help me please?


Thank you,

Ana Rita Lopes


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