Profile picture for user Ana Rita Lopes

Good afternoon,

I'm working with ARIS Designer 9.8 and ARIS Connect 9.8, and I have a question.

How can I put a user in charge of the processes, which are modeled in ARIS Deisgner, so that in the collaborative component of ARIS Connect it is possible to send alerts directly / automatically to this user?

The user that I want to place as the "owner" of the processes exists in the umc through AD and also in the Designer (configured object), taking into account that he has responsibilities in the risk component - ARCM.

In ARIS Connect there are several functions (image below) such as:

- Submit change request;

- Propose document;

- Comment.

The goal is that users who have access to these processes in Connect can perform these functions and the defined user would receive the notifications. We intend to appoint a person responsible for ALL processes, receiving notifications of change, suggestion or comment.

How can I do this?

Thank you!

by Christian Barth
Posted on Mon, 03/25/2019 - 09:11

Good morning Ana,

to get the Connect Mini-Workflows running is quite easy, just make sure you have maintained the attribute "Person responsible" with the UMC username of the user. After that the Mini-Workflows of ARIS Connect should work.

There are different options available for entering the attribute value. If you are using ARIS Connect Designer, there is an user selection dialog. If you are using ARIS Designer / ARIS Architect, it is just an text attribute which has to be filled with the identical username of the UMC user.

If you want to maintain the attribute "person responsible" for several processes, this could be done much faster via ARIS Architect "attribute assistant" which allows to do this as a bulk job.

See following screenshots as a quick hint where to find the attribute and how to maintain it.

Best regards


by Ana Rita Lopes Author
Posted on Fri, 03/29/2019 - 17:29

In reply to by Christian Barth

Hii Christian,

Thank you so much for your help.

I knew the solution would go through the definition of this attribute, but I was defining it for the objects, rather than defining for the models.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Continuation of a great day.

Best regards,

Ana Rita Lopes


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