Profile picture for user Ana Rita Lopes

Good afternoon,

The current installation consists of the following components:

- Designer    10.0.6

- ARCM        10.0.6

- Publisher    10.0.6

The goal is: How to "disable" an object (risk, control, or testing) of all components without eliminating it permanently? Note: I may want to use these objects later, is it possible? For this to happen correctly, the ID must be the same after the reactivate.

For this to happen what should I do?

  • Designer: In the Designer you must put "uncheck" in the attributes "synchronization with ARCM" and "relevant for evaluation". By filling in these attributes, the objects will no longer be updated in ARCM, despite their track record (risk assessment, control assessment by the tests, etc.).

    Question: It's just this?

  • ARCM: The history will always be maintained but it is possible, in version 10.0.6, to disable the objects (risks, controls, tests) without eliminating them permanently.


       1. What happens when we deactivate an object? 

       2. If we want to re-enable the object, can we synchronize from Designer, and will the object be properly updated (same ID)?

  • Publisher: Question: How can I prevent the appearance of an object in the Publsiher publishing portal?

Thank you!!!

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Tue, 05/28/2019 - 08:52

An idea for the last point: Move the objects in question to a group you might call "_DELETED" where the viewers don't have read permission and publish the models again. You might do this with the system user, because your own user obviously should not have read permission either (or you have to accept that you can see the deleted objects while others can't). Another idea: Don't hide the objects this way, but define a boolean attribute "DELETED" and show the value "true" with a large red "X" symbol across the object occurrence. (Requires applying an adequate template everywhere such objects can occur.) This way everyone can still see them but also see clearly, that they are invalid. You must decide, if that is cluttering your models too much.

by Ana Rita Lopes Author
Posted on Thu, 05/30/2019 - 12:55

In reply to by M. Zschuckelt

Good afternoon M. Zschuckelt,

The first idea (deleted object folder) was very good, but the problem would be the confusion that this would because the objects would turn gray and the teams would report issue related to that.

The definition of the attribute was the first idea mine, but the object would be that object disappears.

The solution we found was:

- Completely eliminate Risk on the Designer/ Publisher side;

- Disable risk on the ARCM side.

In the future, if the risk occurs, we will have to activate it again in the ARCM.

After reactivating the risk, the goal is to migrate the risk object to the Designer through XML ARCM, to rebuild the path from Deisgner to ARCM.


Thanks for your help! Have a great day!

by Steffen Exeler
Posted on Tue, 05/28/2019 - 10:40

Dear Ana Rita,

what do you exactly mean with "disable"? Shall they become invisible in ARCM or is it rather that you don't want them to create new tasks like risk assessments, test cases etc.

You can not physically delete such objects from ARCM because of audit purposes but you can deactivate them (and later re-activate them). But if that main object (risk, test etc) still is existing, I would suppose you should not deactivate it but just deactivate the generation of new tasks.

What's your objective?



by Ana Rita Lopes Author
Posted on Thu, 05/30/2019 - 13:34

In reply to by stex

Good afternoon Steffen,

I know that it is not possible to completely delete objects in ARCM.

I did not intend to delete objects completely from ARCM, because an important point would be to take advantage of the same history, but I did not want to generate any activities about that objects.

So, as you mentioned, ARCM's "deactivation" function was even the best option for us.

Therefore, what was done was:

- Completely eliminate Risk on the Designer/ Publisher side;

- Disable risk on the ARCM side.

In the future, if the risk occurs, we will have to activate it again in the ARCM.

After reactivating the risk, the goal is to migrate the risk object to the Designer through XML ARCM, to rebuild the path from Deisgner to ARCM.

Thank you for teh help.

Have a nice day, regards!

by Steffen Exeler
Posted on Mon, 06/03/2019 - 10:50

In reply to by Ana Rita Lopes

Dear Ana Rita,

still I am wondering about the background why you want to "get rid" of a risk. If you just don't want new risk assessments generated, it would possibly be easier to just de-active the risk management attribute but not the whole risk. 

Usually, from our understanding up to now, a risk exists or not. It is more or less risky but it doesn't appear and disappear and appear again later. If we talk about a risk occurring, that would be an incident of such risk in ARCM.

Possibly there still is an easier way to realize what you want to do.  

Kind regards



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