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Could any one help me on, how to convert the ARIS Business Process(After SAP synchorization) into automated workflow.

I have heard about the ARIS-SOA, but i dont know it will allow to convert the SAP synchorization process into BPEL.


Anandh P

by Uwe Roediger
Posted on Tue, 12/29/2009 - 10:29

Hello Anandh P,

ARIS SOA and the ARIS-SAP synchronization are two different approaches to automate processes. In the internet under in the ARIS area you will find detailed information about the ARIS SAP and SOA solution and the related products.

It could be possible to transform synchronized processes into BPEL and use them for implementation. But if rhis makes sense depends from the target system where the processes should be executed on and also from the quality of the processes and the attached service information.

It is a quite complex topic, after reading the internet material you might have the feeling that one of our approaches makes sense for you, in this case I'd recommend to contact you local IDS/Software AG representatives to define the next steps.

Best Regards

Uwe Roediger

by Anandh P Author
Posted on Tue, 12/29/2009 - 15:36

Hi Roediger,

Thanks for your response.

Did you come across the scenario any time?

What would be your recommed tool to go for that?


Anandh P

by Uwe Roediger
Posted on Mon, 01/04/2010 - 07:43

Dear Anandh P,

I'm sorry, but there is much too little information to give a good answer. Maybe this article can help you to orientate, written by myself in the SOA section of the ARIS community (also the other articles might be helpful for you):

To identify if the ARIS for SAP products or the ARIS SOA Architect fits better to your project an on-site workshop is needed, please contact the IDS representatives for you country in this regard.

Best regards



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