
I am trying to create a user defined attribute in Aris. However,I want to create an attribute such that the user can enter some data,then select its unit from the drop down box. For example:

Here,Maximum orientation time a in-built attribute where the user can enter a numerical value for the timethen select whether its unit is seconds/hours/days etc from the adjacent drop down box. How do you create this in user-defined attribute?

Thanks in advance



by Vincent Renard
Posted on Tue, 04/02/2013 - 10:54

Hello Anaya,

You cannot create such attribute.

The only format you can use is :

days : xxx   Time hh:mm:ss



by Rick Bosworth
Posted on Wed, 04/03/2013 - 17:08

This should be done with 2 attributes. The first to capture the entered value and the second is a drop down that has the allowable values for the measure. There are several standard ARIS attibutes that work like this.



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