Can we translate one process model to other process model automatically? If yes what are those tools or techniques used? Is it specific or restricted to one modelling language or do we have standard tools?
Dear Nisha,
Did you notice this post about the topic you asked for?
Lost in translation? Profit from a new AI-enabled translation service in ARIS 10 SR 16
Besides this new feature in our latest ARIS 10.0 Service Relerase 16, or when your focus isn't to rely on an external translation service, you can still rely on practically proven ways in ARIS using its multi-languange text editing capabilities, both in ARIS Architect and in ARIS Connect.
ARIS Connect Designer editing text 2 languages in parallel:
ARIS Architect editing multiple languages in parallel:
Hello Nisha,
are you referring to modelling languages like BPMN vs EPC?
Then I think there is no one-fits-all solution, because it depends on your use-case, why you want processes in both notations and for what purpose. For example ARIS comes with a very specific transformation from EPC to BPMN, which was built for the purpose of transforming business processes in EPC into BPMN notation as a starting point for logical process modelling. There are quite a few requirements on your conventions in EPC and BPMN for this to be useful, which you may or may not fulfil.
Here is a very old video of the procedure (ARIS 7.2).
Feel free to search the community for the Keywords "EPC BPMN" as there has been a lot of discussion of this topic in the past.