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ARIS process governance flows can be customized.
How can multiple approval flows (with multiple users involved at the same time) be managed in aris process governance?
Is there a possibility to manage different approval outcomes (e.g., ok or ko) made by different users on the same task?  
step -1: request approval from 2 people.
step -2: person 1 and person 2 manage the task according to the two options (approve/do not approve)
step -3: expected results 
- if at least 1 person does not approve --> flow ends with KO
- if all 2 people approve --> flow ends with OK

Is it possible to create a flow that handles these cases?




by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Sat, 12/03/2022 - 12:22

Dear Andrea,

The title and tag of your post confuses me a bit as you indicate ARIS PPM (Process Performance Manager), but your actual questions are about ARIS Process Governance (APG), another product independent from PPM. While PPM can capture, measure and analzye a process from eg. log files of an IT system, whereas APG is meant to automate the process of process management, such as request for process changes, or process approvals.

In the databases Governance Autmation Models and ARIS Connect Governance Models you can review the standard workflows, and start from there to implement your own workflow logic, and then deploy your workflow. You can conveniently open the corresponding process model per worklow when you restore either or both databases in ARIS. Then ARIS Process Automation you could simply review the worklow's logic in the graphical model.

I am not an APG expert, but the workflow logic you are asking for seems to me feasible to implement.

Maybe other APG experts could explain more in detail what you need to consider for implementing it.


by Martin Schröder
Badge for 'Contributor' achievement
Posted on Mon, 12/05/2022 - 18:08

Hello Andrea

as Runè pointed out the place to look for is In the database Governance Automation Models. ARIS Connect Governance Models contains the simpler, so called "Mini-Workflows" which are already deployed by default.

But I am afraid there is no example for your approval decision rules, only workflows for subsequent checks and approvals by pre-selected, single task executors.

The only hint I know of is the documentation "Modeling conventions for process automation". Under 1.1.7 Human tasks it describes options for assigning task executors, but does not give illustrated examples on how to model a data flow accordingly.

During the three day training course "Flexible Automation of Governance Processes with ARIS" we were lead to the conclusion that you better not dare to implement complex decision rules.

Regards, Martin


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