Hi! I'd like to modify the Model Status Overview report to include a few additional attributes and to limit the results to EPC models only. I'm not a programmer but I can figure out how to show additional attributes. However, I don't know what code to add to limit this to EPCs only. Could anyone point me in the right direction? It is a pretty basic script and is found in the Automation reports folder. Thanks!
Hi Ms. Angie Pitt,
Code snippet to limit the result to EPC models only-
if (oSelectedGroups.length > 0) { var dlgResult = Dialogs.MsgBox(getString("TEXT_1"), Constants.MSGBOX_ICON_QUESTION | Constants.MSGBOX_BTN_YESNO, getString("TEXT_8")); var bRecursive = (dlgResult == Constants.MSGBOX_RESULT_YES); for (var i = 0; i < oSelectedGroups.length; i++) { oSelectedModels = oSelectedModels.concat(oSelectedGroups[i].ModelList(bRecursive,Constants.MT_EEPC)); } } else { oSelectedModels = ArisData.getSelectedModels(Constants.MT_EEPC); }
You have to change/replace only the line number 6 & 9 from above code in to your Model Status Overview report.
(Constant for EPC model type = Constants.MT_EEPC)
Vinay Agarkhed
Another option, not requiring programming of the script, is to create a evaluation filter blocking all other model types but EPCs. Then run the script using the filter:
Combining filters, exisitng or new ones, with standard report scripts sometimes shows to be very useful. I hope this helps.
Regards / Harry Ratia